Menlo Scientific to Present Two Sessions During ALTI 2020 Online Event
Virtual ALTI-EXPO 2020 is a massive one day, online event, taking place on June 15, 2020 from 9am EST U.S. And it's FREE. It's a full day of cutting edge tech and business content.
At 1pm, Mike Klasco will present a session titled "Change Is Here To Stay – China’s Perfect Storm and Where Do We Go from Here"
"Over the last few decades we have all grown complacent with sourcing our products, or at least most of our components, from China. Long established relationships, trustworthy suppliers that know what we want and need, are losing their position as viable vendors. The rising cost of goods from China, the tariff war, the Hong Kong struggle with Beijing, and now the coronavirus have reached the tipping point and staggered what was once the obvious country of choice for audio products. The tariff war was sold as re-shoring – bringing our production back home – yet it seems that we have just further burdened ourselves with adding the tariff to ourselves and sent most of us looking elsewhere in Asia for new suppliers.
"Vietnam, Philippines, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, India, not to mention Korea, Myanmar and Cambodia – are all finding themselves bathed in the first waves of brands exploring their options. We will review the landscape of long established as well as new speaker factories.
"What about bringing the audio business back home? We have the stick of tariffs that we have beat ourselves with, how about the carrot of tax incentives, grants and matching funds for R&D –perhaps these perks contingent on the new technology built in the U.S. ideally in state-of-the art factories similarly incentivized.
"Finally, a discussion of how should ALTI help its members navigate through the storm?

To replace the physical ALTI-EXPO 2020, Audio & Loudspeaker Technologies International (ALTI) is promoting this online event as a way to contribute to the industry in difficult times.
Information and registration is available at: